copar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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copar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "copar" is commonly used in both general and specific contexts. It generally means to occupy or take control of a space or situation. In military and law contexts, it can refer to taking over territory or strategizing to corner an opponent. In Chile, "copar" may also carry nuances related to overwhelming a person or group, often in a social or competitive setting.

In terms of frequency, "copar" is frequently used in spoken language, especially among younger generations and in informal settings, though it is also present in written communication.

Example Sentences

  1. La policía intentó copar el territorio de la banda criminal.
  2. The police tried to occupy the territory of the criminal gang.

  3. Durante el debate, el candidato se esforzó por copar la conversación.

  4. During the debate, the candidate tried to take over the conversation.

  5. El equipo de fútbol logró copar el medio campo durante el partido.

  6. The soccer team managed to take control of the midfield during the match.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "copar" may not be part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it is often used in various contexts that reflect its core meaning of occupying or controlling. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. Copar la atención
  2. "El nuevo producto logró copar la atención del público."
  3. "The new product managed to capture the public's attention."

  4. Copar el espacio

  5. "Cuando llegó la familia, coparon el espacio en la sala."
  6. "When the family arrived, they took over the space in the living room."

  7. Copar el liderazgo

  8. "Ella intentó copar el liderazgo del proyecto desde el principio."
  9. "She tried to take over the leadership of the project from the beginning."

  10. Copar la conversación

  11. "Siempre que estamos juntos, él acaba copando la conversación."
  12. "Whenever we are together, he ends up dominating the conversation."

  13. Copar con lo mejor

  14. "Siempre tratamos de copar con lo mejor en nuestro equipo."
  15. "We always try to have the best in our team."


The verb "copar" originated from the Latin word "cōpāre," which means to cover or plunder. The evolution of its meaning has shifted over time to encompass the ideas of occupying or taking over, often connected to military strategies or social situations.

Synonyms and Antonyms


