copete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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copete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "copete" primarily refers to a tuft of hair or can mean a small piece of something. In some Latin American countries, particularly in Chile, "copete" is also colloquially used to refer to alcoholic beverages or a first drink. The usage of the word can be context-dependent, and it tends to appear more frequently in oral speech than in formal written contexts. It is common in everyday conversations, especially when discussing hair or informal social gatherings.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella tiene un copete muy bonito que le da un estilo único.
  2. She has a very nice tuft that gives her a unique style.

  3. Vamos a tomar un copete antes de cenar.

  4. Let’s have a drink before dinner.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "copete" does not feature prominently in many idiomatic expressions, it is still involved in a few contexts that exploit its meanings. Here are some examples:

  1. No te pongas el copete tan rígido, relájate.
  2. Don’t be so uptight, relax. (Here, "copete" refers to the hair being styled too stiffly.)

  3. El copete que me tomé ayer me dejó un gran dolor de cabeza.

  4. The drink I had yesterday left me with a bad headache.

  5. Lo vi con un copete en la mano, disfrutando la fiesta.

  6. I saw him with a drink in his hand, enjoying the party.


The etymology of "copete" can be traced back to the Spanish language. It is thought to originate from the late Latin term "coppita," diminutive of "cappa," meaning "cap" or "hat." This evolution relates to the idea of something that sits atop, such as a tuft or small top.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Mechón (tuft or lock of hair) - Trago (drink, referring to an alcoholic beverage)

Antonyms: - While "copete" does not have a direct antonym, contextually, terms like "despeinado" (unkempt or messy hair) can serve as the opposite in terms of hairstyle.
