copioso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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copioso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "copioso" is used in Spanish to describe something that is abundant or plentiful in quantity. It is often associated with expressions of large amounts, whether related to physical items, events, or qualities. "Copioso" is frequently used in both spoken and written contexts, though it may appear more in formal writing or literary texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El río tiene un caudal copioso durante la temporada de lluvias.
    The river has a copious flow during the rainy season.

  2. La conferencia fue copiosa en información relevante para los estudiantes.
    The conference was copious in relevant information for the students.

  3. Los copiosos frutos de la cosecha hicieron felices a los agricultores.
    The copious fruits of the harvest made the farmers happy.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "copioso" itself may not be commonly found in many idiomatic expressions, its meaning lends itself to several phrases where abundance is emphasized.

  1. Una lluvia copiosa cayó durante toda la noche.
    A copious rain fell throughout the night.

  2. La comida fue tan copiosa que sobró para el día siguiente.
    The food was so copious that there was enough left over for the next day.

  3. El copioso repertorio del artista cautivó a la audiencia.
    The copious repertoire of the artist captivated the audience.

  4. Las copiosas descripciones en su novela la hicieron muy vívida.
    The copious descriptions in his novel made it very vivid.

  5. Ante una respuesta copiosa, el equipo decidió analizar cada punto en detalle.
    Given a copious response, the team decided to analyze each point in detail.


The word "copioso" comes from the Latin "copiosus," which means abundant or plentiful. The root "copia" refers to a supply or an abundance. This Latin origin is preserved in many Romance languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Abundante (abundant)
- Pleno (full)
- Ampliado (amplified)

- Escaso (scarce)
- Limitado (limited)
- Pobre (poor)

"Copioso" is a descriptive term that effectively emphasizes the magnitude of quantity, making it useful in various contexts including literature, descriptions of nature, and even culinary settings.
