copo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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copo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "copo" primarily refers to a snowflake or a flake of something (like a flake of paint). The term is used in various contexts, including describing the appearance of snow, in cooking (like flaked chocolate or flakes of different materials), and in some idiomatic expressions. Its usage can be observed in both oral and written contexts, although it might be more commonly used in written texts when specifically referring to snow or cooking terms.

Example Sentences

  1. En invierno, los copos de nieve cubren la tierra.
  2. In winter, snowflakes cover the ground.

  3. Para decorar el postre, puedes agregar copos de chocolate.

  4. To decorate the dessert, you can add chocolate flakes.

  5. Los copos de nieve caían suavemente por la ventana.

  6. The snowflakes were gently falling outside the window.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Copo" is used in a few idiomatic expressions, especially in metaphorical contexts highlighting delicacy, uniqueness, or lightness:

  1. Copo de nieve en el desierto.
  2. Snowflake in the desert.
  3. Referring to something very delicate or out of place.

  4. Ser un copo de nieve en una tormenta.

  5. To be a snowflake in a storm.
  6. Describing someone who feels overwhelmed by challenges.

  7. Caer como copos de nieve.

  8. To fall like snowflakes.
  9. Describing something that happens softly or gently.


The word "copo" comes from the Latin "cōpa," which means "cup" or "top," and it is related to the shape of a snowflake resembling a fluted cup or a top. The evolution of its meaning has broadened to include various kinds of flakes, emphasizing its form and lightness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "Hojuela" (flake) - "Lámina" (thin sheet)

Antonyms: - "Bloque" (block) - "Totalidad" (whole)

This comprehensive overview provides a detailed understanding of the word "copo," showcasing its nuances, usages, and relevance in the Spanish language.
