copula - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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copula (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In the context of the Spanish language, "cópula" refers to a grammatical term used in linguistics. It denotes a verb that links the subject of a sentence with a subject complement (such as "to be" in English). The term can also be used in various fields such as mathematics and sociology.

Frequency of Use: - The term "cópula" is more frequently used in written contexts, particularly in academic and technical writings related to grammar and linguistics.

Example Sentences

  1. La córpula en español se utiliza para establecer relaciones entre el sujeto y el predicado.
  2. The copula in Spanish is used to establish relationships between the subject and the predicate.

  3. En la gramática, la cópula es esencial para la formación de oraciones.

  4. In grammar, the copula is essential for the formation of sentences.

  5. El estudio de la cópula es fundamental en la lingüística moderna.

  6. The study of the copula is fundamental in modern linguistics.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cópula" is primarily a technical term and less commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can still appear in various contexts in linguistics and grammar discussions:

  1. La cópula sujeta la estructura de la oración.
  2. The copula holds the structure of the sentence.

  3. Sin la cópula, la oración puede resultar confusa.

  4. Without the copula, the sentence can become confusing.

  5. Entender la cópula es clave para dominar la gramática.

  6. Understanding the copula is key to mastering grammar.


The word "cópula" comes from Latin "cupla," which originally means "a bond or tie." It has evolved in various languages to represent the connecting verb in a sentence.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Verbo copulativo (copulative verb) - Conector (connector)

Antonyms: - Verbo transitivo (transitive verb) - Verbo intransitivo (intransitive verb)

In summary, the term "cópula" plays a significant role in the fields of grammar and linguistics, primarily as a technical term rather than a colloquial one. Its usage reflects foundational aspects of sentence structure across languages, primarily highlighted in scholarly discourse.
