coque - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coque (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "coque" in Spanish can function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "coque" predominantly refers to coke, a form of carbonized coal that is used in the metallurgical industry and as a fuel. It is less frequently used to refer to the soft drink "Coca-Cola," especially in the context of casual conversation. The term is more common in industrial contexts rather than in everyday conversation. It tends to be used in written texts related to industrial processes, energy production, and sometimes in culinary contexts when referring to soda.

Example Sentences

  1. En la fábrica, utilizan coque para fundir el hierro.
    (In the factory, they use coke to smelt iron.)

  2. El coque es una materia prima fundamental para la producción de acero.
    (Coke is a fundamental raw material for steel production.)

  3. Tomé un coque bien frío mientras disfrutaba de la película.
    (I had a cold coke while enjoying the movie.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "coque" itself does not form many common idiomatic expressions, it can occasionally appear in industrial jargon. Here are examples related to the use of coke in an industrial context:

  1. "Echar leña al fuego" en una planta de producción es como añadir coques al horno.
    (Adding fuel to the fire in a production plant is like adding coke to the furnace.)

  2. El coque que usamos en el proceso es de alta calidad, lo que nos ayuda a evitar "fuegos apagados".
    (The coke we use in the process is of high quality, which helps us avoid "extinguished fires.")

  3. Sin coque, la producción de acero se haría mucho más difícil.
    (Without coke, steel production would become much more difficult.)


The term "coque" comes from the French word "coke," which in turn derives from the Old English word "cocca," meaning "cake" or "bake." It refers to the process of heating coal in the absence of air, which removes volatile substances to create a solid carbon material.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This structured approach allows us to understand the usage, significance, and context of the word "coque" comprehensively.
