coraje - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coraje (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word "coraje" primarily refers to courage or bravery in the context of facing fear or adversity. It is commonly used in situations where someone demonstrates strength in difficult circumstances. It can also mean "anger," particularly in colloquial uses or emotional expressions.

"Coraje" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts but tends to appear more in spoken language, especially in everyday conversations. It often conveys a sense of emotional strength or resolve.

Example Sentences

  1. "Ella mostró mucho coraje al enfrentarse a sus miedos."
  2. "She showed a lot of courage when facing her fears."

  3. "El coraje de los bomberos es admirable."

  4. "The courage of firefighters is admirable."

  5. "Sentí un coraje inmenso cuando vi la injusticia."

  6. "I felt immense anger when I saw the injustice."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Coraje" is often featured in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, reflecting different shades of meaning. Here are several examples:

  1. "Tomar coraje"
  2. Meaning: To gather courage.
  3. Example: "Necesito tomar coraje para hablar en público."

    • "I need to gather courage to speak in public."
  4. "Acorajar a alguien"

  5. Meaning: To encourage someone, to give someone courage.
  6. Example: "Su amigo lo acoraja a seguir adelante."

    • "His friend encourages him to move forward."
  7. "Gente con coraje"

  8. Meaning: People with courage/boldness.
  9. Example: "Se necesitan más gente con coraje en la política."

    • "We need more people with courage in politics."
  10. "Perder el coraje"

  11. Meaning: To lose heart or courage.
  12. Example: "No puedes perder el coraje ante los desafíos."
    • "You can't lose heart in the face of challenges."


The word "coraje" comes from the Latin term coraticum, which is derived from cor, meaning heart. The transition in meaning from "heart" to "courage" can be attributed to the historical association of the heart with emotions, especially bravery and valor.

Synonyms and Antonyms
