corchete - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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corchete (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Corchete refers to a type of punctuation mark used in writing, specifically brackets, which are used to contain or enclose information or to clarify messages. The word can also refer to hardware, like clips or fasteners, depending on the context.

Example Sentences

  1. Los corchetes son importantes para incluir aclaraciones en el texto.
  2. Brackets are important for including clarifications in the text.

  3. Asegúrate de verificar que los corchetes estén correctamente colocados en la ecuación.

  4. Make sure to verify that the brackets are placed correctly in the equation.

  5. Los corchetes se utilizan en citaciones para añadir comentarios del autor.

  6. Brackets are used in citations to add authors' comments.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word corchete does not have a wide array of idiomatic expressions directly associated with it. However, there are related phrases that discuss brackets or the concept of enclosing or containing information.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Estar entre corchetes (To be in brackets)
  2. Significa estar en una situación no definida o pendiendo de una decisión.
    • It means to be in an undefined situation or hanging by a decision.
  3. Ejemplo: "Mi futuro académico está entre corchetes mientras espero la respuesta de la universidad."

  4. "My academic future is in brackets while I wait for the university's response."

  5. Colocar algo entre corchetes (To put something in brackets)

  6. Utilizado cuando se hace una distinción o aclaración en un texto.
    • Used when making a distinction or clarification in a text.
  7. Ejemplo: "Siempre coloco mis opiniones entre corchetes en mis ensayos."

  8. "I always put my opinions in brackets in my essays."

  9. Hacer una nota entre corchetes (To make a note in brackets)

  10. Refiere a añadir información adicional.
    • Refers to adding supplementary information.
  11. Ejemplo: "Hice una nota entre corchetes para explicar el término técnico."

  12. "I made a note in brackets to explain the technical term."


The word corchete comes from the Latin word "corcīnus," which means hooked or bent, reflecting the physical shape of brackets which indeed have a hooking appearance. This term adapted through Middle Spanish and has maintained its meaning focusing on the form of enclosure.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview provides insight into the word corchete across various contexts and its uses in the Spanish language.
