cortar el bacalao - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cortar el bacalao (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "cortar el bacalao" functions as a verbal expression, consisting of a verb ("cortar") and a noun ("bacalao").

Phonetic Transcription

/korˈtaɾ el βakaˈlao/

Translation Options into English

  1. To cut the cod
  2. To call the shots (idiomatic)

Meaning and Usage

The expression "cortar el bacalao" literally translates to "to cut the cod," but idiomatically, it means "to have control" or "to be the one in charge." It is often used to refer to someone who has the authority in a situation or organization and makes the important decisions. The phrase is commonly used in both oral and written contexts and has a moderate to high frequency of use in Spanish-speaking countries. It is more prevalent in informal spoken language but can also appear in media and literature.

Example Sentences

  1. En la reunión, Juan cortó el bacalao y decidió el rumbo del proyecto.
  2. In the meeting, Juan called the shots and decided the direction of the project.

  3. Siempre hay una persona que corta el bacalao en el equipo.

  4. There is always someone who calls the shots in the team.

  5. Si quieres avanzar, necesitas aprender a cortar el bacalao.

  6. If you want to move forward, you need to learn how to call the shots.

Idiomatic Expressions


The phrase "cortar el bacalao" has uncertain origins, but it appears to derive from the fishing industry, where codfish (bacalao) is a notable catch. The act of cutting cod may imply the process of dividing or controlling resources, which metaphorically translates to having power or authority in various situations.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tener el control (to have control) - Llamar las shots (to call the shots)

Antonyms: - Seguir órdenes (to follow orders) - No tener poder (to have no power)
