corte - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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corte (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "corte" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "corte" has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used: - In general use, it refers to the act of cutting or the result of this action, such as a cut in paper or skin. - In legal contexts, "corte" refers to a court, indicating a judicial authority. - In the context of food or cooking, it can refer to the way meat or vegetables are sliced or chopped. - In architecture, it may refer to a section or a drawing that shows a vertical or horizontal cut through a structure.

Frequency of Use

The term "corte" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts but tends to be more prevalent in written form in legal and architectural discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. Los cirujanos realizan un corte preciso durante la operación.
    Surgeons make a precise cut during the operation.

  2. La corte decidió a favor del demandante.
    The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff.

  3. El chef mostró cómo hacer un corte perfecto del pescado.
    The chef showed how to make a perfect cut of the fish.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "corte" is also part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Al corte de la tela.
    At the cut of the fabric.
    This expression is often used in tailoring or sewing contexts when discussing the cutting of materials.

  2. Corte y confección.
    Cut and sewing.
    A common phrase that refers to dressmaking or tailoring skills.

  3. Corte de cabeza.
    Head cut.
    Refers to the action of executing someone by beheading, often used metaphorically.

  4. No hay corte sin cicatriz.
    There is no cut without scar.
    This phrase suggests that every harm leaves a mark, usually in emotional or psychological terms.

  5. Corte a medida.
    Custom cut.
    Refers to tailoring or modifications made to fit specific needs, used in contexts such as furniture design or clothing.

Additional Example Sentences

  1. La modista trabaja en el corte y confección de vestidos.
    The dressmaker works in the cut and sewing of dresses.

  2. Después de un corte de cabeza, el rey perdió el control del reino.
    After a head cut, the king lost control of the kingdom.

  3. Cada corte de la historia dejó cicatrices en el pueblo.
    Each cut of history left scars on the town.


The term "corte" comes from the Latin word "co(r)tis," meaning "court" or "enclosure." Over time, it evolved in Spanish to encompass multiple meanings centered around the concept of an edge or a division.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In context, it is essential to distinguish between the meanings based on specific usage in sentences, as seen in the examples provided.
