cortedad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cortedad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The term "cortedad" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cortedad" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /korteˈðað/.

Translation Options into English

The word "cortedad" can be translated into English as "shortness" or "lack".

Meaning and Usage

"Cortedad" refers to the quality of being short, particularly in terms of length or duration. It can be used in various contexts, typically to describe a deficiency or lack of something. The frequency of use tends to reflect an academic or specialized vernacular rather than colloquial speech; hence, it may appear more in written contexts such as literature, philosophy, or formal discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La cortedad del tiempo nos obliga a tomar decisiones rápidas.
  2. The shortness of time forces us to make quick decisions.

  3. Experimentamos cortedad en los recursos financieros para el proyecto.

  4. We are experiencing a lack of financial resources for the project.

  5. La cortedad de la reunión hizo que no pudiéramos discutir todos los temas.

  6. The shortness of the meeting meant we couldn't discuss all the topics.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cortedad" itself is not commonly found in numerous idiomatic expressions, the concept of "shortness" or "lack" is implied in various phrases. Here are some examples including the concept:

  1. Cortedad de miras.
  2. Translation: Short-sightedness.
  3. Example: La cortedad de miras en la planificación puede llevar a problemas futuros.
  4. Translation: Short-sightedness in planning can lead to future problems.

  5. Cortedad de recursos.

  6. Translation: Lack of resources.
  7. Example: En tiempos de crisis, la cortedad de recursos es un desafío común.
  8. Translation: In times of crisis, the lack of resources is a common challenge.

  9. Cortedad de espíritu.

  10. Translation: Shortness of spirit.
  11. Example: La cortedad de espíritu puede afectar nuestras relaciones personales.
  12. Translation: Shortness of spirit can affect our personal relationships.


The word "cortedad" is derived from the root "cortar," which means "to cut." The suffix "-edad" is a common Spanish ending used to form abstract nouns, indicating a state or condition (akin to "-ness" in English). Thus, "cortedad" conveys the state of being cut short.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Brevedad (brevity) - Lacuna (gap, deficiency)

Antonyms: - Longitud (length) - Plenitud (fullness)

In conclusion, "cortedad" is a noun that resonates with concepts of brevity and lack, primarily used in more formal contexts but applicable in discussions that involve the constraints of time or resources.
