cortical - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cortical (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cortical" in Spanish refers to something that is related to or situated in the cortex, which is the outer layer of an organ or the brain. It is used frequently in medical and scientific contexts, particularly in discussions about neuroanatomy, histology, and physiology. The frequency of its use is predominantly in written contexts, especially in scholarly articles, medical texts, and scientific studies.

Example Sentences: - La actividad cortical se incrementa en respuesta a estímulos visuales. - The cortical activity increases in response to visual stimuli. - Los estudios corticales han revelado mucho sobre la función del cerebro humano. - Cortical studies have revealed much about the function of the human brain. - El daño cortical puede afectar las habilidades motoras y cognitivas. - Cortical damage can affect motor and cognitive skills.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cortical" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can be relevant in specific technical terminologies related to neuroscience and medicine.

Example Sentences: - La regulación cortical de la atención es fundamental para el aprendizaje. - The cortical regulation of attention is fundamental for learning. - Los médicos estudiaron la plasticidad cortical para desarrollar nuevas terapias. - Doctors studied cortical plasticity to develop new therapies. - La investigación sobre el dolor cortical está avanzando rápidamente en la medicina moderna. - Research on cortical pain is advancing rapidly in modern medicine.


The term "cortical" comes from the Latin word "cortex," meaning "bark" or "outer layer," which aligns with its modern usage describing the outer layer of various organs or structures.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Corticomedular (related to both the cortex and the medulla) - Superficial (in terms of outer layers, although this is less specific)

Antonyms: - Medular (referring to the inner part) - Profundo (deep, referring to something that is located deeper within)

This comprehensive overview explores the term "cortical" in depth within the realms of general language use and medical terminology.
