cosa de - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cosa de (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "cosa de" functions as a prepositional phrase in Spanish. "Cosa" is a noun meaning "thing," and "de" is a preposition meaning "of."

Phonetic Transcription

/cosa ðe/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "cosa de" is commonly used in Spanish to refer to a matter, issue, or situation regarding something. It can imply that the subject being discussed is important or noteworthy, but often has a colloquial or informal tone.

Frequency of Use

"Cosa de" is frequently used both in oral speech and written contexts, but it tends to appear more often in conversations due to its informal nature.

Example Sentences

  1. "Es una cosa de confianza."
    "It is a matter of trust."

  2. "No es cosa de broma."
    "It's not an issue to joke about."

  3. "Parece cosa de familia."
    "It seems to be a family matter."

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "cosa de" is often included in various colloquial expressions. Here are some idiomatic uses:

  1. "Cosa de locos."
    "A crazy thing."
    "Ese fue un asunto de locos."
    "That was a crazy matter."

  2. "No es cosa de todos los días."
    "It's not an everyday matter."
    "Hacer un viaje como este no es cosa de todos los días."
    "Taking a trip like this is not an everyday affair."

  3. "Cosa de familia."
    "A family matter."
    "Eso lo resolveremos entre nosotros, es cosa de familia."
    "We will sort that out among ourselves; it's a family issue."

  4. "Es cosa de tiempo."
    "It's a matter of time."
    "Saber la verdad es cosa de tiempo."
    "Knowing the truth is a matter of time."

  5. "Es cosa de preocuparnos."
    "It's a matter to worry about."
    "La situación actual es cosa de preocuparnos."
    "The current situation is a matter for us to worry about."


The word “cosa” comes from the Latin word “causa”, which meant "cause, reason" or "thing." The preposition “de” also comes from Latin, derived from “de”, meaning "of" or "from." Over time, both words have maintained their meanings closely related to their origins.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The phrase "cosa de" plays an essential role in everyday Spanish, providing a way to address various subjects informally and contextually.
