costanero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costanero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Costanero is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Coastal (in the context of something related to the coast)
  2. Costal (in relation to something that affects the ribs, although this usage is far less common)

Meaning and Usage

Costanero refers to something pertaining to a coast or coastal region. It is often used to describe features, activities, or populations that are related to or located along coastlines. The frequency of use is moderate, and it may appear more in written contexts, such as reports, studies, or discussions about geography, environment, or tourism, than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Los costaneros están acostumbrados a vivir cerca del mar.
    The coastal people are used to living near the sea.

  2. Las ciudades costaneras suelen ser destinos turísticos populares.
    Coastal cities are often popular tourist destinations.

  3. El clima costanero se caracteriza por ser más húmedo que el interior.
    The coastal climate is characterized by being more humid than the inland.

Idiomatic Expressions

While costanero doesn't have many established idiomatic expressions, it is frequently used in phrases that refer to the coastal environment and life near the coast. Here are a few relevant expressions:

  1. Vida costanera
  2. El estilo de vida costanera atrae a muchos turistas durante el verano.
    The coastal lifestyle attracts many tourists during the summer.

  3. Economía costanera

  4. La economía costanera depende en gran medida de la pesca y el turismo.
    The coastal economy relies heavily on fishing and tourism.

  5. Pueblo costanero

  6. El pueblo costanero celebró su festival de mariscos el fin de semana pasado.
    The coastal town celebrated its seafood festival last weekend.


The term costanero derives from the Spanish word "costa," which means "coast." The addition of the suffix "-ero" typically indicates a relationship or belonging. Thus, "costanero" literally translates to "that which is related to the coast."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Costero (coastal) - Marítimo (maritime)

Antonyms: - Interior (inland) - Montañés (mountainous, referring to areas further from the coast)
