costos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Costos" is a noun in Spanish, and it is plural. The singular form is "costo."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "costos" refers to the amount of money required to purchase goods or services or the expenses incurred to carry out an activity or project. It is commonly used in financial, economic, or business contexts.

The word is frequently used in both oral and written forms, often appearing in discussions about budgeting, accounting, and business strategies.

Example Sentences

  1. Los costos de producción han aumentado este año.
  2. The production costs have increased this year.

  3. Es importante reducir los costos para mejorar la rentabilidad.

  4. It is important to reduce costs to improve profitability.

  5. Los costos del proyecto superaron nuestras estimaciones.

  6. The costs of the project exceeded our estimates.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "costos" itself is not a prominent part of many idiomatic expressions, it appears in phrases relevant to economics and budgeting. Here are some related examples:

  1. "Ajustar los costos"
  2. Ajustar los costos es fundamental para mantener la empresa a flote.
  3. Adjusting costs is essential to keep the company afloat.

  4. "Reducir costos"

  5. La empresa decidió reducir costos para enfrentarse a la crisis.
  6. The company decided to reduce costs to face the crisis.

  7. "Costos hidden"

  8. Los costos ocultos pueden afectar significativamente la rentabilidad.
  9. Hidden costs can significantly impact profitability.

  10. "Costos fijos y variables"

  11. Debemos analizar los costos fijos y variables para comprender la situación financiera.
  12. We need to analyze fixed and variable costs to understand the financial situation.

  13. "Costos de oportunidad"

  14. El concepto de costos de oportunidad es vital en la toma de decisiones económicas.
  15. The concept of opportunity costs is vital in economic decision-making.


"Costos" comes from the Latin word "costus," which means "cost" or "expense." The roots highlight the enduring significance of tracking and managing costs in commerce and trade throughout history.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Gastos (expenses) - Precios (prices)

Antonyms: - Beneficios (benefits) - Ingresos (earnings)
