costoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "costoso" is commonly used in the Spanish language to describe something that has a high price or value. It refers to anything that requires a significant amount of money to acquire or maintain. The term is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, making it a useful descriptor in everyday conversations as well as in more formal economic discussions. Its frequency of use is moderate to high, particularly in discussions related to budgeting, spending, and finance.

Example Sentences

  1. Este coche es muy costoso, pero vale la pena.
    This car is very costly, but it is worth it.

  2. Tener una casa en la playa puede ser costoso para algunos.
    Having a house by the beach can be costly for some.

  3. La educación universitaria se ha vuelto cada vez más costosa.
    University education has become increasingly costly.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "costoso" frequently appears in several idiomatic expressions, primarily related to finance, expenditure, and value judgments. Here are some common examples:

  1. "No es tan costoso como parece."
    It is not as costly as it seems.

  2. "Te vas a arrepentir de hacer algo tan costoso."
    You will regret doing something so costly.

  3. "A veces, lo costoso no es mejor."
    Sometimes, the costly option is not better.

  4. "Es una inversión costosa, pero muy rentable."
    It's a costly investment, but very profitable.

  5. "No quiero hacer más gastos costosos."
    I don't want to incur any more costly expenses.


The word "costoso" comes from the Spanish noun "costo," which means "cost." "Costo" itself is derived from Latin "costum," meaning "to stand" or "to be equal to," related to the economic notion of cost and value.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caro (dear) - Costeable (expensive, but less common)

Antonyms: - Barato (cheap) - Económico (economical)
