costumbre - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costumbre (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "costumbre" refers to a practice or tradition that is habitual or customary within a society or community. It can encompass a wide range of behaviors, beliefs, or norms that are passed down through generations and are often significant in cultural identity. The term can denote both personal habits as well as collective social practices.

Example Sentences

  1. Las costumbres de cada país son muy diversas.
  2. The customs of each country are very diverse.

  3. Es una costumbre en nuestra familia celebrar la Navidad juntos.

  4. It is a custom in our family to celebrate Christmas together.

  5. Algunas costumbres pueden cambiar con el tiempo.

  6. Some customs can change over time.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Costumbre" is often part of idiomatic expressions that indicate behavior or social norms. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. Tomar algo como una costumbre.
  2. To take something as a habit.
  3. Ejemplo: Tomo el café en la mañana como una costumbre.
    (I have coffee in the morning as a habit.)

  4. Sin costumbres, la vida sería monótona.

  5. Without customs, life would be monotonous.
  6. Ejemplo: Sin costumbres, la vida sería monótona y sin color.
    (Without customs, life would be monotonous and lacking color.)

  7. Es costumbre entre nosotros hablar de nuestros sueños.

  8. It is customary among us to talk about our dreams.
  9. Ejemplo: Es costumbre entre nosotros hablar de nuestros sueños y aspiraciones cada semana.
    (It is customary among us to talk about our dreams and aspirations every week.)

  10. Costumbre arraigada.

  11. Deeply rooted custom.
  12. Ejemplo: Es difícil cambiar una costumbre arraigada en la cultura.
    (It’s difficult to change a deeply rooted custom in the culture.)


The term “costumbre” originates from the Latin word "consuetudinem," which means “habit” or “usage.” It reflects the practice of behaviors or norms that become established over time within societies.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Práctica (practice) - Hábitos (habits) - Tradición (tradition)

- Innovación (innovation) - Cambio (change) - Ruptura (break)
