costumbres - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costumbres (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Use in Spanish

"Costumbres" refers to the established practices or habitual behaviors of a person or group, often tied to cultural or social contexts. It can signify traditions or norms that dictate how people interact or conduct their lives in a certain community.

In terms of frequency, "costumbres" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions about culture, sociology, or anthropology. The term is essential when discussing the way of life in different societies or groups, highlighting their unique practices or recurring behaviors.

Example Sentences

  1. Las costumbres de esta región son muy diferentes a las de la ciudad.
  2. The customs of this region are very different from those of the city.

  3. Es importante respetar las costumbres de otras culturas.

  4. It is important to respect the customs of other cultures.

  5. Las costumbres familiares suelen ser transmitidas de generación en generación.

  6. Family customs are usually passed down from generation to generation.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "costumbres" can be part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few:

  1. Tener costumbres arraigadas
  2. Translation: To have deep-rooted customs.
  3. Example: Algunas personas tienen costumbres arraigadas que les cuesta cambiar.

    • Some people have deep-rooted customs that are hard for them to change.
  4. Adoptar nuevas costumbres

  5. Translation: To adopt new customs.
  6. Example: Al mudarse a otro país, es importante adoptar nuevas costumbres.

    • When moving to another country, it is important to adopt new customs.
  7. Romper con las costumbres

  8. Translation: To break with customs.
  9. Example: Ella decidió romper con las costumbres de su familia.

    • She decided to break with her family's customs.
  10. Costumbres de antaño

  11. Translation: Customs of the past.
  12. Example: Muchas costumbres de antaño ya no se practican hoy en día.

    • Many customs of the past are no longer practiced today.
  13. Las costumbres varían de un lugar a otro

  14. Translation: Customs vary from place to place.
  15. Example: Al viajar, uno se da cuenta de que las costumbres varían de un lugar a otro.
    • When traveling, one realizes that customs vary from place to place.


The term "costumbre" originates from the Latin word "consuetudinem," which means "habit" or "custom." This reflects the concept of something that is regularly done or adhered to by a group or society.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "costumbres" is a vital concept within the social and cultural discourse of Spanish-speaking communities, encapsulating the norms and behaviors that shape their identities and interactions.
