costumbrista - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costumbrista (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "costumbrista" is an adjective in Spanish and can also function as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "costumbrista" refers to anything related to customs and traditions, particularly in a cultural or social context. When used in literature, it pertains to a genre that emphasizes the customs, habits, and folkways of a particular society or community. This genre gained popularity in the 19th century in Latin America and often presented vivid descriptions of daily life, portraying the social and cultural aspects of the time.

"Costumbrista" is commonly used in written contexts, especially in literary critiques, academic discussions, or cultural studies, rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. La obra costumbrista de este autor refleja la vida cotidiana de su época.
    The costumbrista work of this author reflects the daily life of his time.

  2. Muchos escritores costumbristas se enfocaron en retratar las tradiciones de su región.
    Many costumbrista writers focused on portraying the traditions of their region.

  3. El festival tiene una sección costumbrista que muestra bailes y comidas típicas.
    The festival has a costumbrista section that showcases traditional dances and foods.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "costumbrista" does not have many idiomatic expressions due to its specific literary context, it is essential in discussing customs and traditions. Here are some related expressions incorporating the idea of customs:

  1. A la costumbre no hay que desafiarla.
    One should not challenge custom.

  2. Con costumbres se hace el pueblo.
    A people is made by its customs.

  3. La costumbre no se olvida fácilmente.
    Customs are not easily forgotten.

  4. Cada costumbre refleja la identidad de un grupo.
    Each custom reflects the identity of a group.

  5. Las costumbres se transmiten de generación en generación.
    Customs are passed down from generation to generation.

  6. Respetar la costumbre es esencial para la convivencia.
    Respecting custom is essential for coexistence.

  7. A veces, las costumbres cambian con el tiempo.
    Sometimes customs change over time.

  8. La costumbre de la siesta es muy valorada en este país.
    The custom of the siesta is highly valued in this country.


The term "costumbrista" derives from the Spanish word "costumbre," which means "custom" or "habit." It combines the root "costumbr-" with the suffix "-ista," which denotes an affiliation or relationship to a specific field or profession, in this case, customs.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "costumbrista" is a culturally rich term deeply associated with the depiction of customs, particularly in the literary domain, reflecting the social realities and traditions of different communities. It holds significance in both written and academic discussions of literature and culture.
