costurero - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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costurero (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Costurero" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Sewing box
  2. Needlecase
  3. Tailor's shop (in some contexts)

Meaning and Usage

"Costurero" refers to a container or box used for holding sewing materials, such as needles, threads, and fabrics. It can also denote a tailor's shop or place where sewing work is done. In terms of frequency, "costurero" is more commonly encountered in written contexts, such as in literature, craft instructions, or household articles.

Example Sentences

  1. El costurero de mi abuela está lleno de hilos de todos los colores.
    My grandmother's sewing box is full of threads of all colors.

  2. En el costurero encontré un botón que había perdido.
    In the sewing box, I found a button that I had lost.

  3. Decidí llevar mi vestido al costurero para que lo ajustara.
    I decided to take my dress to the tailor's shop to have it adjusted.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "costurero" itself is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions, it can be involved in sayings or phrases related to sewing, craftsmanship, or creativity. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. No todo lo que brilla es oro, como en un costurero puedes encontrar tesoros escondidos.
    Not everything that glitters is gold; just as you can find hidden treasures in a sewing box.

  2. Cada costurero tiene sus hilos: cada uno tiene su manera de resolver problemas.
    Every sewing box has its threads: everyone has their own way of solving problems.

  3. Para construir algo duradero, hay que tener un buen costurero y mucha paciencia.
    To build something lasting, one needs a good sewing box and a lot of patience.

  4. La vida es como un costurero: necesitas paciencia para enhebrar los hilos.
    Life is like a sewing box: you need patience to thread the needles.


The word "costurero" comes from the Spanish verb "coser," which means "to sew." The suffix "-ero" is often used in Spanish to indicate a place or container associated with an action or profession. Thus, "costurero" effectively means a place for sewing tools or a location where sewing is performed.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Caja de costura (Sewing box) - Taller de costura (Sewing workshop)

Antonyms: - Desorden (Disorder, as it implies the opposite of having a neat sewing space)
