coto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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coto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "coto" primarily refers to a designated area or enclosure, often related to hunting or wildlife management. In legal terms, it may also pertain to a bounded area of land that is subject to certain regulations or restrictions. In general use, "coto" can describe a confined space or jurisdiction.

"Coto" is used more frequently in written contexts, particularly in legal and wildlife management documents. It is less common in everyday spoken language but can be found in specialized conversations or texts about land use, conservation, or legal boundaries.

Example Sentences

  1. El coto de caza fue cerrado para proteger a las especies en peligro.
  2. The hunting reserve was closed to protect endangered species.

  3. Vivimos cerca de un coto privado donde se permite la pesca.

  4. We live near a private enclosure where fishing is allowed.

  5. Los reguladores están evaluando el uso de los recursos dentro del coto.

  6. Regulators are assessing the use of resources within the designated area.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "coto" does not form a vast array of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in certain contexts related to boundaries and restrictions.

  1. Poner coto a algo
  2. (To put a stop to something)
    El gobierno decidió poner coto a la pesca ilegal en el lago.
  3. The government decided to put a stop to illegal fishing in the lake.

  4. Coto de caza
    (Hunting ground/reserve)
    La caza en el coto de caza está estrictamente regulada.

  5. Hunting in the hunting reserve is strictly regulated.

  6. Coto privado
    (Private enclosure)
    Solo los miembros pueden acceder al coto privado de la comunidad.

  7. Only members can access the community's private enclosure.


The term "coto" originates from the Latin word cŏtum, which means "enclosure" or "boundary." Over time, it has evolved in the Spanish language to specifically refer to various types of bounded areas, especially in the contexts of wildlife management and property law.


