cotorra - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cotorra (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cotorra is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word cotorra primarily refers to a type of parrot, known for its bright colors and ability to mimic sounds. In colloquial usage, it can refer to a person who talks excessively or is very talkative, similar to how parrots are perceived.

Frequency of Use: The term is commonly used in both oral speech and written contexts, although it may be more prevalent in casual conversations.

Example Sentences

  1. La cotorra está en la jaula, ¡miren qué hermosa es!
    The parrot is in the cage, look how beautiful it is!

  2. No la escuches, siempre es la misma cotorra hablando sin parar.
    Don't listen to her; she's always the same chatty person, talking non-stop.

  3. Ayer vi una cotorra volando por el parque.
    Yesterday I saw a parrot flying in the park.

Idiomatic Expressions

Cotorra is frequently used in various idiomatic expressions, emphasizing talkativeness or the behavior of a person. Here are some idiomatic contexts:

  1. ¡Eres una cotorra!
    You're such a chatterbox!
    (Used to describe someone who talks a lot, often without filter.)

  2. No dejes que la cotorra te distraiga.
    Don't let the chatterbox distract you.
    (Referring to someone who is excessively talking and distracting from the task at hand.)

  3. Cotorra y chisme van de la mano.
    Chatter and gossip go hand in hand.
    (Indicating that talkative people often spread gossip.)

  4. Si sigues así, te van a llamar la cotorra del grupo.
    If you keep this up, they'll call you the chatterbox of the group.
    (A light-hearted warning about being too talkative within a social context.)


The word cotorra comes from the Spanish word for parrot. Its origins can be traced to the Latin word “cotorra,” which also has associations with birds. The association with talkativeness is likely linked to the natural behavior of parrots, which are known for mimicking human speech.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Loro (another term for parrot) - Hablador (talkative) - Charlatán (chatty or gossiper)

Antonyms: - Callado (quiet) - Silencioso (silent) - Reserva (reserved)
