"Crecer" is a verb in Spanish.
The verb "crecer" generally means to grow or to increase in size, quantity, or importance. It is commonly used in various contexts, including biological growth (e.g., plants, children) as well as abstract contexts such as economic growth or the intensity of feelings. It is frequently used in both oral and written Spanish, making it a versatile word in everyday conversation and literature.
Los niños crecen rápidamente durante los primeros años de vida.
Children grow quickly during the first years of life.
Es importante que los árboles crezcan en un ambiente saludable.
It is important for trees to grow in a healthy environment.
La economía de este país ha crecido significativamente en la última década.
The economy of this country has grown significantly in the last decade.
"Crecer" forms part of various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, often implying growth in different contexts.
Es importante leer libros para crecer como persona.
It is important to read books to grow as a person.
Hacer crecer algo
To make something grow.
Los agricultores usan fertilizantes para hacer crecer las plantas más rápido.
Farmers use fertilizers to make the plants grow faster.
Crecer a pasos agigantados
To grow by leaps and bounds.
La tecnología ha crecido a pasos agigantados en los últimos años.
Technology has grown by leaps and bounds in recent years.
Crecer del suelo
To grow from the ground.
Las flores crecen del suelo en primavera.
Flowers grow from the ground in spring.
Crecer una industria
To grow an industry.
The verb "crecer" originates from the Latin word "crescere," which means "to grow, to increase, or to develop." This Latin root is also the source of related words in several other languages, which further emphasizes its connection to the concept of growth.