cristalino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cristalino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cristalino" is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "cristalino" can be translated into English as: - Cristalline - Clear - Luminous

Meaning and Usage

"Cristalino" refers to something that is crystal clear or transparent, often used to describe liquids or materials that allow light to pass through without obstruction. In a medical context, it specifically refers to the lens of the eye, emphasizing its clarity. The term is commonly used in both oral and written forms, particularly in scientific and medical texts.

Example Sentences

  1. El líquido en el vaso se veía cristalino.
  2. The liquid in the glass looked crystal clear.

  3. El cristalino del ojo es fundamental para ver.

  4. The lens of the eye is essential for vision.

  5. La botella estaba llena de agua cristalina.

  6. The bottle was filled with crystal clear water.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cristalino" is not the core of many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in a figurative sense to denote clarity or transparency in a variety of contexts. Here are a few idiomatic expressions:

  1. Estar cristalino como el agua.
  2. Translation: To be as clear as water.
  3. Context: Refers to someone being straightforward or honest.

  4. Tener ideas cristalinas.

  5. Translation: To have crystal clear ideas.
  6. Context: Used to describe someone whose thoughts or plans are very clear and well-defined.

  7. Su relación es cristalina.

  8. Translation: Their relationship is crystal clear.
  9. Context: Points out that a relationship is very open and without misunderstandings.


The word "cristalino" derives from the Spanish word "cristal," which refers to crystal. The suffix "-ino" typically denotes something made of or related to that root, giving it the quality of clarity or transparency associated with crystals.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Claro (clear) - Traslúcido (translucent)

Antonyms: - Turbio (cloudy) - Opaco (opaque)
