crup - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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crup (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "crup" (croup in English) refers to a respiratory condition characterized by a distinctive barking cough, often associated with viral infections. In Spanish, this term is commonly used in medical contexts to describe the illness, which primarily affects young children but can occur in others as well. It is typically more frequent in written contexts, particularly in medical documentation, although it can also be heard in spoken language, especially among caregivers discussing children's health.

Example Sentences

  1. El crup es común en niños menores de cinco años.
    Croup is common in children under five years old.

  2. Los síntomas del crup incluyen una tos de ladrido y dificultad para respirar.
    The symptoms of croup include a barking cough and difficulty breathing.

  3. Es importante tratar el crup adecuadamente para evitar complicaciones.
    It is important to treat croup properly to avoid complications.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "crup" does not have a large range of idiomatic expressions specifically associated with it in the same way that other terms might. However, it is crucial in discussions related to child health and respiratory conditions, and it may appear in various medical advice contexts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. Cuando mi hijo tenía crup, tuve que llevarlo al médico de inmediato.
    When my son had croup, I had to take him to the doctor immediately.

  2. Asegúrate de humidificar el aire si tu pequeño sufre de crup.
    Make sure to humidify the air if your little one suffers from croup.

  3. Es normal preocuparnos cuando escuchamos que un niño tiene crup.
    It is normal to worry when we hear that a child has croup.


The word "crup" (from Spanish "crup" via English) originates from the Middle English word "crouppe," which is derived from the earlier term "crowp," meaning the throat or to choke. It reflects the throat's involvement in the symptoms of the condition, notably the barking cough.

Synonyms and Antonyms



There are no direct antonyms for "crup" as it is a specific medical condition; however, one could consider terms like "salud" (health) as an opposite in a general sense.

Overall, “crup” is a critical term in pediatric medicine and family health discussions, and understanding its implications can greatly aid in recognizing and addressing symptoms effectively.
