cruzado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cruzado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective, noun

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cruzado" is an adjective used to describe something that is crossed or has a crisscross pattern. It can also function as a noun in certain contexts, particularly in economics (for example, referring to a type of exchange or swap). In medicine, "cruzado" can refer to certain types of conditions or complications.

The term is quite versatile and can be used in various contexts such as general conversation, economics, and medicine. It is frequently used in both oral and written forms due to its applicability in different fields.

Example Sentences

  1. El camino estaba cruzado por ramas caídas.
    The road was crossed by fallen branches.

  2. Se realizó un intercambio cruzado de bienes entre las dos empresas.
    A cross-exchange of goods was carried out between the two companies.

  3. El médico encontró un tendón cruzado en la resonancia magnética.
    The doctor found a crossed ligament in the MRI.

Idiomatic Expressions

Though "cruzado" is not as prevalent in idioms compared to some other words, it can appear in a few expressions that convey the notion of being crossed or conflicting.

  1. Tener el camino cruzado
    To have a crossed path
  2. Signifies facing obstacles or difficulties in achieving goals.
    A pesar de sus esfuerzos, parece que siempre tiene el camino cruzado en su carrera.
    Despite his efforts, it seems he always has a crossed path in his career.

  3. Cruzar los dedos
    To cross one's fingers

  4. A phrase used to express hope for a positive outcome.
    Voy a cruzar los dedos para que me acepten en la universidad.
    I am going to cross my fingers that I get accepted to the university.

  5. Sufrir un cruce de caminos
    To suffer a crossroads

  6. Refers to being at a pivotal moment in life, often faced with choices.
    En su carrera, ella ha sufrido un cruce de caminos que la llevó a reinventarse.
    In her career, she has suffered a crossroads that led her to reinvent herself.


The word "cruzado" comes from the Latin "cruciatum," which refers to the action of crossing or a cross. The influence of religious and cultural terminology linked to the notion of the cross has also impacted its usage over time.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This information offers a broad overview of the term "cruzado," covering its various usages, meanings, and other related aspects in the Spanish language.
