cruzar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cruzar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cruzar" primarily means "to cross," and can refer to various actions, such as crossing a street, crossing boundaries, or crossing over from one state to another. It is frequently used both in oral and written contexts, particularly in conversational situations and descriptive texts.

"cruzar" is a versatile verb that can be employed in different contexts, from everyday situations like crossing a road to more abstract uses like crossing ideas or decisions. It enjoys moderate to high frequency in its usage.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos cruzar la calle para llegar al parque.
  2. We need to cross the street to get to the park.

  3. Ellos decidieron cruzar la frontera a pie.

  4. They decided to cross the border on foot.

  5. Es peligroso cruzar el rió durante la tormenta.

  6. It is dangerous to cross the river during the storm.

Idiomatic Expressions

"cruzar" is featured in several idiomatic expressions, reflecting various aspects of life and culture.


The word "cruzar" has its origins in the Latin term "cruciare," which means "to torture" or "to torment," derived from "crux," meaning "cross." The transition reflects a shift in meaning from something torturous to a more physical action of crossing, often associated with navigating obstacles, much like how a cross may symbolize a junction.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Pasar (to pass) - Atravesar (to traverse) - Sobrepasar (to exceed)

Antonyms: - Quedarse (to stay) - Detener (to stop) - Permanecer (to remain)

In summary, "cruzar" is a dynamic verb prevalent in the Spanish language, found in both everyday conversation and literature. It not only aids in physical navigation but also adds depth to idiomatic expressions within the culture.
