cruzarse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cruzarse (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"cruzarse" is a verb in Spanish. More specifically, it is a reflexive verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"cruzarse" refers to the action of crossing paths with someone or something, either literally (like crossing a street) or figuratively (like having a chance encounter with a person). It can also relate to intersecting lines or roads in geometry. It is used commonly in both oral and written contexts, being quite versatile in everyday conversations and formal writings.

Frequency of Use

"cruzarse" is frequently used in various contexts, making it a common term in Spanish language discourse, especially in situations discussing movement or interactions between individuals.

Example Sentences

  1. "Cuando iba caminando, me crucé con un viejo amigo."
    "When I was walking, I crossed paths with an old friend."

  2. "Las dos calles se cruzan en la próxima esquina."
    "The two streets intersect at the next corner."

  3. "Nunca pensé que me iba a cruzar con ella aquí."
    "I never thought I would run into her here."

Idiomatic Expressions

In the Spanish language, "cruzarse" is often found in idiomatic expressions that reflect various nuances of interaction or unexpected encounters.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "Cruzar los dedos."
    "To cross one's fingers." (To hope for good luck.)
  2. Example Sentence: "Voy a cruzar los dedos para que me den el trabajo."
    "I’m going to cross my fingers that I get the job."

  3. "Cruzarse de brazos."
    "To cross one's arms." (To show apathy or refusal to act.)

  4. Example Sentence: "No puedes simplemente cruzarte de brazos mientras otros trabajan."
    "You can't just cross your arms while others are working."

  5. "Cruzarse en el camino."
    "To cross one's path." (To unexpectedly encounter someone.)

  6. Example Sentence: "Me crucé en el camino con un antiguo profesor."
    "I crossed paths with an old teacher."

  7. "Cruzarse con el destino."
    "To cross paths with fate." (To experience an encounter that seems destined.)

  8. Example Sentence: "A veces, cruzarse con el destino puede cambiar nuestras vidas."
    "Sometimes, crossing paths with fate can change our lives."


The verb "cruzarse" comes from the Latin word "crux," which means "cross." The evolution reflects the action of crossing or intersecting.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "cruzarse" provides insight into its various meanings, usages, and cultural significance in the Spanish language.
