cuadrado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuadrado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cuadrado" is a noun and can also function as an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cuadrado" in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /kwaˈðɾa.ðo/

Translation Options into English

  1. Square (noun, referring to the geometric shape)
  2. Square (adjective, referring to something that is square-shaped)
  3. Four-sided (in mathematical contexts)

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cuadrado" primarily refers to a geometric shape with four equal sides and four right angles. Additionally, when used as an adjective, it describes something that has the shape of a square. The frequency of use tends to be high, particularly in mathematical contexts, education, and discussions about geometry. It is commonly used in both oral and written forms.

Example Sentences

  1. El cuadrado tiene cuatro lados iguales.
  2. The square has four equal sides.

  3. Necesito un cuadro cuadrado para la exposición.

  4. I need a square frame for the exhibition.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuadrado" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions as an independent term, it can appear in various contexts. Below are examples of phrases that might involve "cuadrado":

  1. Cosa cuadrada
  2. Esta situación se ha vuelto una cosa cuadrada, ¡no sé cómo resolverla!
  3. This situation has become a square thing; I don’t know how to solve it!

  4. Siquiera como un cuadrado

  5. No se atreve a aventurarse, ni si quiera como un cuadrado en un triángulo.
  6. He doesn't dare to venture, not even like a square in a triangle.


The word "cuadrado" comes from the Latin "quadratus," which means "square" or "four-sided." The root "quad-" relates to the number four, which is consistent with its geometric meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In conclusion, "cuadrado" is a versatile term used across various contexts in the Spanish language, especially in mathematical and geometric discussions, and can be found in many idiomatic expressions and educational materials.
