cuadral - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuadral (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cuadral" is an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cuadral" using the International Phonetic Alphabet is /kwaˈðɾal/.

Translation Options into English

The term "cuadral" can be translated into English as: - quadrangular - quadrate (though this usage is less common)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cuadral" refers to something that has four angles or sides, similar to "quadrilateral" in geometry. It is commonly used in technical, architectural, or engineering contexts to describe shapes that have four corners.

The frequency of use of "cuadral" is rather limited, often appearing in written texts (such as textbooks, technical documentation) more than in oral speech, primarily due to its specificity and technical nature.

Example Sentences

  1. La estructura del edificio es cuadral, lo que permite una mayor estabilidad.
  2. The structure of the building is quadrangular, which allows for greater stability.

  3. El diseño del cuadro es cuadral, con un enfoque en la simetría.

  4. The design of the frame is quadrangular, focusing on symmetry.

  5. En geometría, un cuadrilátero es un polígono cuadral.

  6. In geometry, a quadrilateral is a quadrangular polygon.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "cuadral" is not prominently featured in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in technical phrases or contexts. However, here are a few sentences employing "cuadral":

  1. Al trazar un plano cuadral, debemos asegurarnos de que todas las medidas sean precisas.
  2. When drawing a quadrangular plan, we must ensure that all measurements are accurate.

  3. La representación cuadral en este diseño arquitectónico aporta claridad visual.

  4. The quadrangular representation in this architectural design adds visual clarity.


The word "cuadral" is derived from the Latin term "quadrus," which means "square" or "four." The prefix "cuad-" relates to the number four and the concept of angularity. The evolution into modern Spanish has retained this connection to shapes with four angles.

Synonyms and Antonyms


