cuadratura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

cuadratura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cuadratura is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Cuadratura refers primarily to the process of squaring a figure (especially in mathematics) and can also pertain to the geometric concept of quadrature. In geography or astronomy, it may relate to the position of celestial bodies. The term is less common in everyday conversation and is primarily used in written contexts, particularly in academic or technical settings.

Frequency of Use: The term is less frequently used in everyday conversations but is seen in academic, scientific, and technical literature.

Example Sentences

  1. El matemático estudió la cuadratura del círculo.
  2. The mathematician studied the squaring of the circle.

  3. La cuadratura de la figura se realizó con precisión.

  4. The squaring of the figure was done with precision.

  5. En astronomía, la cuadratura de dos planetas se refiere a su posición angular en el cielo.

  6. In astronomy, the quadrature of two planets refers to their angular position in the sky.

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Hacer la cuadratura del círculo - Used to refer to an impossible task or a challenging problem.
  2. Intentar hacer la cuadratura del círculo es un esfuerzo fútil.
  3. Attempting to square the circle is a futile effort.

  4. Cuadrar cuentas - To reconcile accounts or ensure accuracy in calculations.

  5. Es importante cuadrar cuentas antes de cerrar el mes.
  6. It is important to reconcile accounts before closing the month.

  7. Cuadrar el círculo - Similar to the first expression but can also imply finding a solution to a difficult problem.

  8. Siempre estoy intentando cuadrar el círculo en mi trabajo.
  9. I am always trying to square the circle at my job.


The word cuadratura comes from the Latin term quadratura, which is derived from quadratus, meaning "square". The root reflects its geometric connotation, indicating a connection to squaring shapes or areas.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Cuadrado (square) - Cuadrar (to square)

Antonyms: - Redondeo (rounding) - Descuadrar (to unsquare or to unbalance)

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