cuadros - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuadros (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cuadros" is a noun in Spanish. It is the plural form of "cuadro."

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "cuadros" can be translated into English as: - Frames - Squares - Pictures - Charts - Tables

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cuadros" refers to several distinct yet related meanings: 1. Frames: Physical frames used for pictures or artworks. 2. Squares: Geometric shapes or representations, often in graphical contexts. 3. Pictures: Artistic representations or illustrations. 4. Charts/Tables: Visual representations of data or information.

"Cuadros" is commonly used in both oral and written contexts. Its frequency of use is moderate in daily conversation, particularly in discussions related to art, geometry, data representation, and various forms of visualization.

Example Sentences

  1. Cuadros en la pared hacen que la sala se vea más acogedora.
  2. Pictures on the wall make the living room feel cozier.

  3. Hicimos cuadros de datos para el proyecto.

  4. We made data charts for the project.

  5. Los cuadros de colores brillantes son mis favoritos.

  6. The colorful frames are my favorites.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cuadros" appears in a few idiomatic expressions, often related to visualization, representation, or context.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Ver los cuadros de la situación ayuda a tomar mejores decisiones.
  2. Seeing the picture of the situation helps to make better decisions.

  3. Hoy en día necesitamos tener cuadros más claros de nuestros objetivos.

  4. Nowadays, we need to have clearer pictures of our goals.

  5. El informe presenta varios cuadros que resumen los resultados.

  6. The report presents several tables that summarize the results.

  7. A veces, es difícil poner todo en cuadros.

  8. Sometimes, it is difficult to put everything into perspective.

  9. Sus explicaciones siempre tienen cuadros que ilustran el tema.

  10. His explanations always have charts that illustrate the topic.


The word "cuadro" derives from the Latin "quadrus," which means square or four-sided figure. Over time, the term adapted in the Spanish language to encompass various meanings including frames, representations of data, and artistic compositions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms - Marcos (for frames) - Imágenes (for pictures) - Tablas (for tables)

Antonyms - Desorden (disorder, related in terms of visuals or context) - Caos (chaos, the opposite of having organized representations or frames)

This exploration of "cuadros" illustrates its versatility and significance in both daily language and specific contexts.
