cuajado - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuajado (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Cuajado" is an adjective that generally refers to something that has coagulated or solidified, often used in culinary contexts to describe the state of foods such as milk, cream, or eggs when they have been cooked or treated in such a way that they form curds. It can also describe anything that has taken on a firmer, more solid form. The term is frequently used in both spoken and written Spanish, but may be more prevalent in spoken contexts, especially in culinary discussions.

Example Sentences: 1. El flan está cuajado y listo para servir.
The flan is set and ready to serve.

  1. Si dejas la leche en el fuego demasiado tiempo, se va a cuajar.
    If you leave the milk on the stove too long, it will curdle.

  2. El queso se encuentra cuajado después de unas horas de reposo.
    The cheese is curdled after a few hours of resting.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuajado" itself is not significantly featured in many idiomatic expressions, it is often used in contexts or phrases that pertain to culinary processes, particularly in Latin American cooking.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions: 1. Para hacer el queso, es necesario que la leche quede bien cuajada.
To make cheese, it's necessary for the milk to be well curdled.

  1. Me encanta el pudín cuajado que prepara mi abuela.
    I love the set pudding that my grandmother makes.

  2. Una buena tortilla española debe estar muy cuajada por dentro.
    A good Spanish omelet should be very set inside.


The term "cuajado" comes from the verb "cuajar," which means "to curdle" or "to set." The root of "cuajar" is believed to originate from the Latin "coagulari," which means "to coagulate."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Coagulado (Coagulated) - Solidificado (Solidified) - Coagulado (Thickened)

Antonyms: - Líquido (Liquid) - Fluido (Fluid) - Deshecho (Melted)

In essence, "cuajado" is a versatile term primarily used in culinary contexts to indicate that a liquid has become solid, which is an important process in various cooking and food preparation practices.
