cuajo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuajo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cuajo" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Curd
  2. Coagulation
  3. Curdling
  4. Rennet (in a culinary context)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cuajo" primarily refers to the curd produced in the process of coagulation, especially in dairy products like cheese. It can also refer to "rennet," which is an enzyme used in cheesemaking. The term can be both general and colloquial, with its usage being frequent in culinary contexts, particularly in discussions about food preparation, dairy products, and gastronomy.

"Cuajo" can be used more in oral speech, especially in casual conversations about cooking, but it may also appear in written recipes, culinary magazines, or textbooks that focus on dairy production.

Example Sentences

  1. "El cuajo es necesario para hacer queso."
  2. "Rennet is necessary to make cheese."

  3. "Cuando la leche alcanza la temperatura adecuada, se añade el cuajo."

  4. "When the milk reaches the proper temperature, rennet is added."

  5. "El cuajo puede ser de origen animal o vegetal."

  6. "The rennet can be of animal or vegetable origin."

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, "cuajo" can appear in several idiomatic expressions, particularly related to cooking, but its usage is not as common in idiomatic phrases as some other words. Here are a few related expressions that involve curd or coagulation:

  1. "Hacer cuajo"
  2. Meaning: To take shape or to solidify (often used metaphorically).
  3. Example: "El proyecto finalmente hizo cuajo después de varias semanas."

    • "The project finally took shape after several weeks."
  4. "Estar como cuajo"

  5. Meaning: To be in a state of confusion or chaos.
  6. Example: "La reunión estuvo como cuajo, nadie sabía qué discutir."

    • "The meeting was in chaos; no one knew what to discuss."
  7. "No cuajar"

  8. Meaning: Not to work out or to not come to fruition.
  9. Example: "Todos los planes para el viaje no cuajaron."
    • "All the plans for the trip fell through."


The word "cuajo" comes from the Latin "coagŭlum," which means "coagulation." It relates to the process of curdling, often in reference to milk. This reflects its culinary significance through history in dairy processing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides insight into the meaning, usage, and context of the term "cuajo" in the Spanish language.
