cual - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cual (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Cual" is used to ask for information about a specific item or to indicate a choice among a group of items. In relative clauses, it can refer to previously mentioned nouns.

Frequency of Use:
It is a relatively common word used in both spoken and written Spanish, although its usage in written contexts may be slightly formal.

Oral vs Written Context:
"Cual" is frequently used in oral speech, primarily in questions or conversational contexts. In written contexts, it may appear in formal writing, literature, or to clarify information.

Example Sentences: 1. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? - (Which is your favorite color?)

  1. No sé cuál elegir, ambos son hermosos.
  2. (I don't know which to choose; both are beautiful.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cual" itself is not part of many idiomatic expressions, it does appear in a few and relates to choices or distinctions. Here are some expressions that include "cual":

  1. "El cual" - Frequently used in formal writing to refer back to a previously mentioned noun.
  2. El libro, el cual fue escrito por un autor famoso, es muy interesante.

    • (The book, which was written by a famous author, is very interesting.)
  3. "Cualquiera" - This phrase means "anyone" or "anybody" and is often used to convey the idea of no preference or unlimited choice.

  4. Cualquiera puede participar en el concurso.

    • (Anyone can participate in the contest.)
  5. "Diga usted cuál" - A phrase meaning "you tell me which," often used when asking for a choice.

  6. Diga usted cuál de los dos desea comprar.

    • (You tell me which of the two you want to buy.)
  7. "Cual más" - This expression is used informally to mean "like" or "such as" when providing examples.

  8. Quiero lugares tranquilos, cual más me recomiendas.
    • (I want quiet places, such as the ones you recommend.)


The word "cual" derives from the Latin word qualis, which means "of what kind." Its evolution reflects the changes in pronoun usage in the Romance languages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - "Cuál" can be synonymous with "qué" in certain contexts when asking for clarification or specific identification.

Antonyms: - There are no direct antonyms for "cual," since it serves primarily as an interrogative or relative pronoun without a contrasting counterpart. In some contexts, "ninguno" (none) serves to negate the choices represented by "cual."
