cualidad - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

cualidad (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cualidad" is a noun (sustantivo) in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cualidad" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is:

Translation Options into English

The word "cualidad" can be translated into English as:
- Quality
- Characteristic
- Trait

Meaning and Usage

Example Sentences

  1. "La cualidad más importante de un líder es la honestidad."
    "The most important quality of a leader is honesty."

  2. "Cada producto debe ser evaluado según su cualidad."
    "Each product must be evaluated according to its quality."

  3. "El profesor destacó la cualidad creativa de sus estudiantes."
    "The teacher highlighted the creative quality of his students."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cualidad" is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions compared to other terms, but it can appear in contexts describing specific characteristics or qualities of an individual or object.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. "No toda cualidad es buena."
    "Not every quality is good."

  2. "La cualidad de un buen amigo es la lealtad."
    "The quality of a good friend is loyalty."

  3. "Debemos valorar cada cualidad de nuestro equipo."
    "We must value every quality of our team."

  4. "La cualidad que más aprecio en un libro es su profundidad."
    "The quality I appreciate most in a book is its depth."


The word "cualidad" comes from the Latin "qualitas, qualitatis," which means quality, character, or nature. This Latin term is derived from "qualis," meaning "of what kind." The transition to Spanish maintained the essence of the original word.

Synonyms and Antonyms
