cualquiera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cualquiera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cualquiera" is primarily used in Spanish to denote a sense of non-specificity in reference to people or things. It conveys the idea of "anyone" or "anything," often suggesting a lack of distinction or qualification.

Example Sentences

  1. No le digas eso a cualquiera.
    Don't tell that to just anyone.

  2. Puedes tomar cualquiera de los libros de la estantería.
    You can take any of the books from the shelf.

  3. Cualquiera puede participar en el concurso.
    Anyone can participate in the contest.

Idiomatic Expressions with "Cualquiera"

The term "cualquiera" is also featured in various idiomatic expressions, conveying different meanings based on context:

  1. "No es cualquiera"
  2. Él no es cualquiera, es un experto en su campo.
    He's not just anyone; he's an expert in his field.

  3. "Cualquiera en su sano juicio"

  4. Cualquiera en su sano juicio no haría eso.
    Anyone in their right mind wouldn't do that.

  5. "Cualquiera que sea la razón"

  6. Cualquiera que sea la razón, necesitamos actuar ahora.
    Whatever the reason may be, we need to act now.

  7. "A cualquiera le puede pasar"

  8. A cualquiera le puede pasar un error así.
    Such a mistake can happen to anyone.

  9. "Cualquiera puede ver que..."

  10. Cualquiera puede ver que el proyecto ha sido un éxito.
    Anyone can see that the project has been a success.


The term "cualquiera" is derived from the combination of "cual" (which means "which" or "what") and "quiera," an inflection related to the verb "querer" (to want). It has roots in the Latin "qualis, qualisque," indicating the idea of "whatever kind" or "any kind."



Overall, "cualquiera" is a versatile term that plays a significant role in everyday Spanish conversations, often emphasizing generality or non-specificity.
