cuantificar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuantificar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Verbo (Verb)

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The verb "cuantificar" refers to the act of measuring or determining the quantity of something. In economics, it is often used to express the need to calculate numerical values related to economic indicators, measures, or phenomena. The term is used both in written and oral contexts, but it tends to appear more frequently in written texts like reports, studies, and articles, where precise quantification is important.

Example Sentences

  1. Es fundamental cuantificar los riesgos asociados a la inversión.
  2. It is fundamental to quantify the risks associated with the investment.

  3. Antes de tomar decisiones, debemos cuantificar el impacto económico de nuestras acciones.

  4. Before making decisions, we must quantify the economic impact of our actions.

  5. La empresa tiene que cuantificar sus pérdidas para solicitar ayuda gubernamental.

  6. The company has to quantify its losses to apply for government assistance.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "cuantificar" itself is not commonly featured in well-known idiomatic expressions, it is integral to many phrases and contexts in economics and finance where quantification is essential. Below are example sentences using common phrases related to quantification:

  1. La clave para el éxito financiero es aprender a cuantificar cada gasto.
  2. The key to financial success is learning to quantify every expense.

  3. En la investigación de mercado, es esencial cuantificar las preferencias del consumidor.

  4. In market research, it is essential to quantify consumer preferences.

  5. Al realizar un informe, debemos cuantificar la información con datos precisos.

  6. When preparing a report, we must quantify the information with precise data.

  7. El análisis de costo-beneficio se basa en la capacidad para cuantificar los resultados.

  8. The cost-benefit analysis is based on the ability to quantify the results.

  9. Cuantificar el alcance del proyecto nos permitirá establecer un presupuesto realista.

  10. Quantifying the scope of the project will allow us to establish a realistic budget.


The word "cuantificar" comes from the combinación of the prefix "cuanti-", derived from the Latin quantus, meaning "how much," and the verb -ficar, which is used in forms like "modificar" (to modify) and "clasificar" (to classify). Thus, it literally translates to "to make quantitative."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Medir (to measure) - Evaluar (to assess) - Calcular (to calculate)

Antonyms: - Ignorar (to ignore) - Desestimar (to dismiss) - Subestimar (to underestimate)
