cuantioso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuantioso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word cuantioso is used in the Spanish language to describe something that is large in quantity or considerable in amount. It is often used to refer to wealth, resources, or any substantial quantity of something. The term is more likely to be found in written contexts due to its formal nature, although it can still appear in spoken language, especially in formal discussions about economics or law.

Frequency of Use: Moderately frequent, primarily in written form, particularly in legal or financial contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. El donante hizo una contribución cuantiosa a la organización benéfica.
    The donor made a substantial contribution to the charity.

  2. La empresa reportó ganancias cuantiosas este año.
    The company reported considerable profits this year.

  3. Se encontró una cuantiosa cantidad de oro en el naufragio.
    A substantial amount of gold was found in the shipwreck.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cuantioso is not typically used in fixed idiomatic expressions but can be part of phrases that emphasize significant amounts or values.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Hizo un esfuerzo cuantioso para mejorar sus finanzas.
    He made a considerable effort to improve his finances.

  2. La inversión inicial fue cuantiosa, pero los resultados valieron la pena.
    The initial investment was substantial, but the results were worth it.

  3. Aunque el legado era cuantioso, su gestión fue deficiente.
    Although the inheritance was considerable, its management was poor.

  4. La multa impuesta fue cuantiosa y dejó un impacto significativo en la empresa.
    The fine imposed was substantial and left a significant impact on the company.


The term cuantioso derives from the Spanish word cuanto, which means "how much" or "how many." The suffix -oso denotes abundance or plentifulness. Therefore, the term conveys the idea of "great quantity."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - abundante (abundant) - considerable (considerable) - amplio (broad) - copioso (copious)

Antonyms: - escaso (scarce) - limitado (limited) - pequeño (small) - insuficiente (insufficient)
