cuarenta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuarenta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Cuarenta" refers to the cardinal number "forty." It is typically used in both spoken and written contexts to indicate quantity or age. In terms of frequency, it is relatively common in everyday conversation and in writing, particularly in mathematics, finance, and age representation.

Example Sentences

  1. Cuarenta personas asistieron a la reunión.
    Forty people attended the meeting.

  2. Ella tiene cuarenta años.
    She is forty years old.

  3. El libro costó cuarenta dólares.
    The book cost forty dollars.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuarenta" itself is generally straightforward, it can be part of idiomatic expressions mainly related to age and significant life phases. Here are a few examples of idioms or expressions involving the number "cuarenta."

Example Sentences

  1. La vida comienza a los cuarenta.
    Life begins at forty.
    (This idiom suggests that life becomes more fulfilling or starts to align better at this age.)

  2. Alcanzar la cúspide de los cuarenta no es fácil.
    Reaching the peak of forty is not easy.
    (Referring to the challenges one may face as they enter their forties.)

  3. Se dice que la sabiduría llega a los cuarenta.
    It is said that wisdom comes at forty.
    (Implying that gaining life experience often culminates around this age.)

  4. Cuarenta años y ninguna arruga es un milagro.
    Forty years and not a wrinkle is a miracle.
    (Expressing surprise at someone maintaining a youthful appearance at this age.)


The word "cuarenta" comes from the Latin "quadraginta," which also translates to forty. This reflects the way numbers were structured in Latin, which has influenced many modern languages, including Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown provides an in-depth look at the word "cuarenta" in Spanish, touching on different aspects from its usage to its contextual significance.
