cuarentena - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuarentena (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "cuarentena" refers to a period of isolation or restriction of movement for individuals who may have been exposed to a contagious disease, to prevent its spread. It derives from the Italian word "quaranta," meaning "forty," referencing the historical practice of isolating ships for 40 days during the Black Death.

In modern contexts, the word is commonly used in both oral and written forms, especially during health crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Its frequency of use has surged in recent years due to global health awareness.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante la cuarentena, muchos trabajaron desde casa.
    (During the quarantine, many worked from home.)

  2. La cuarentena es esencial para contener la propagación del virus.
    (The quarantine is essential to contain the spread of the virus.)

  3. Las personas deben cumplir con la cuarentena que les han impuesto.
    (People must comply with the quarantine that has been imposed on them.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "cuarentena" is often featured in various idiomatic expressions, especially in health-related discussions. Here are some relevant examples:

  1. "Estar en cuarentena" (To be in quarantine)
  2. Después de regresar de viaje, tuve que estar en cuarentena.
    (After returning from my trip, I had to be in quarantine.)

  3. "Imponer cuarentena" (To impose quarantine)

  4. El gobierno decidió imponer cuarentena para evitar un brote.
    (The government decided to impose quarantine to prevent an outbreak.)

  5. "Levantar la cuarentena" (To lift the quarantine)

  6. Las autoridades planean levantar la cuarentena la próxima semana.
    (The authorities plan to lift the quarantine next week.)

  7. "Cuarentena obligatoria" (Mandatory quarantine)

  8. Todos los viajeros deben someterse a una cuarentena obligatoria al llegar.
    (All travelers must undergo mandatory quarantine upon arrival.)

  9. "Cuarentena preventiva" (Preventive quarantine)

  10. La cuarentena preventiva ha demostrado ser efectiva en el control de la enfermedad.
    (Preventive quarantine has proven to be effective in controlling the disease.)


The word "cuarentena" comes from the Italian "quaranta," meaning "forty." This number was historically significant during the Black Death, with ships being isolated for forty days to ensure they were free from infection before entering port.

Synonyms and Antonyms

By understanding "cuarentena," one gains insight not only into public health policy but also into the broader social implications of contagious diseases and the measures taken to protect communities.
