cuaresma - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuaresma (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Cuaresma is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Lent
  2. The Lenten season

Meaning and Usage

Cuaresma refers to the period of 40 days of fasting, prayer, and penance observed by many Christian denominations, culminating in the Holy Week leading up to Easter. This liturgical season focuses on self-reflection, repentance, and almsgiving.

In Spanish-speaking cultures, cuaresma is often marked by traditions that include attending special religious services and participating in various customs such as fasting from certain foods or engaging in acts of charity.

Frequency of Use

The term cuaresma has moderate to high frequency of use, particularly during the liturgical year, in both oral and written contexts, mainly within religious discussions, cultural references, and community activities related to Lent.

Example Sentences

  1. Durante la cuaresma, muchas personas se abstienen de comer carne los viernes.
  2. During Lent, many people refrain from eating meat on Fridays.

  3. La cuaresma es un tiempo de reflexión personal y espiritual.

  4. Lent is a time for personal and spiritual reflection.

  5. Es tradición asistir a la misa todos los domingos de la cuaresma.

  6. It is traditional to attend mass every Sunday during Lent.

Idiomatic Expressions

Cuaresma doesn't strictly belong to many idiomatic expressions, but it encapsulates important themes present in several cultural sayings that could reference periods of fasting or reflection. Here are some relevant expressions:

  1. Hacer cuaresma: Este término se refiere a dedicarse a la penitencia o a la reflexión personal.
  2. To do Lent: This term refers to dedicating oneself to penance or personal reflection.

  3. Los viernes de cuaresma: Un día importante en el que los creyentes practican el ayuno y la abstinencia.

  4. The Fridays of Lent: An important day when believers practice fasting and abstinence.

  5. Durante la cuaresma, el sacrificio es una forma de purificación.

  6. During Lent, sacrifice is a form of purification.

  7. Cuaresma trae consigo tiempo de recogimiento y meditación.

  8. Lent brings with it a time of stillness and meditation.


The word cuaresma finds its roots in the Latin term quadragesima, meaning "fortieth," which refers to the 40 days leading up to Easter. This is further derived from quadraginta, the Latin word for "forty." The tradition of Lent has evolved over centuries within the Christian Church.


