cuarta - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuarta (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Adjective (feminine) / Noun

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "cuarta" means "fourth". It is derived from the ordinal number used to indicate the position of something in a sequence. "Cuarta" is often used in various contexts, such as numbering in lists, describing ranks, or indicating positions in various fields such as education (e.g., the fourth year), geography (e.g., the fourth district), and everyday scenarios.

This word is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, and its usage is relatively common across different Spanish-speaking regions.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella llegó en la cuarta posición en la carrera.
    She arrived in fourth place in the race.

  2. El cuarto piso tiene una vista espectacular.
    The fourth floor has a spectacular view.

  3. En la cuarta lección, aprenderemos sobre la gramática.
    In the fourth lesson, we will learn about grammar.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Cuarta" is often used in combinations with other words to create idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples:

  1. A la cuarta va la vencida.
    On the fourth try is the one that counts.
    (This means that after multiple failures, one may finally succeed.)

  2. De cuatro en cuatro.
    In fours.
    (This phrase refers to doing something in groups of four.)

  3. No hay dos sin tres, pero tampoco hay cuatro sin cinco.
    There are no two without three, but there are also no four without five.
    (This expression suggests that events often follow a sequence.)

  4. Tres, dos, uno... ¡y cuánta emoción hay en la cuarta llamada!
    Three, two, one... and how much excitement is there in the fourth call!
    (This can refer to the build-up of tension before a significant event.)


The word "cuarta" comes from the Latin "quarta", which is the feminine form of "quartus", meaning "fourth". This lineage ties back to the Indo-European root "*kʷetwóres", relating to the number four.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cuarta" is a versatile adjective/noun used to convey the concept of "fourth" in various contexts, with a rich background in cultural and idiomatic Spanish expressions. It is frequently encountered in both spoken and written language.
