cuartilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuartilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cuartilla" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription of "cuartilla" using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is /kwaɾˈtiʝa/.

Translation Options

The word "cuartilla" can be translated into English as: - Quarter sheet (referring to paper) - Leaf (in printing context)

Meaning and Usage

In the Spanish language, "cuartilla" refers primarily to a quarter sheet of paper, often used in printing and writing. A cuartilla typically measures around 21 cm by 14.8 cm (A5 size). It is commonly used in informal writing contexts, such as school assignments or notes, and is sometimes used in literary settings to refer to the length of a written work.

The frequency of use of "cuartilla" tends to be moderate to high in educational and informal contexts. It is more frequently encountered in written contexts, like printed materials or written assignments, than in oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. El profesor pidió a los estudiantes que escribieran un ensayo de tres cuartillas.
  2. The teacher asked the students to write an essay of three quarter sheets.

  3. Necesito papel para imprimir, así que compraré unas cuartillas.

  4. I need paper to print, so I'll buy some quarter sheets.

  5. La invitación está escrita en una cuartilla, ¡es muy elegante!

  6. The invitation is written on a quarter sheet, it's very elegant!

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuartilla" is not typically featured in a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it can be relevant in specific phrases about paper or writing.

Example Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Escribir en cuartilla - to write on paper
  2. Siempre prefiero escribir en cuartilla a usar la computadora.
  3. I always prefer to write on paper instead of using the computer.

  4. Hacer una cuartilla - to create a written page

  5. Necesito hacer una cuartilla antes de la reunión.
  6. I need to create a page before the meeting.

  7. Contar en cuartillas - to keep count on pages

  8. Debes contar en cuartillas para no perder la cuenta de tus gastos.
  9. You should keep count on pages to track your expenses.


The term "cuartilla" derives from the Spanish word "cuarto," meaning "quarter." It indicates that the sheet of paper is a quarter of a full sheet (which is typically an A4 size).

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Hoja (leaf) - Papel (paper, more general)

Antonyms: - Páginas (pages, plural term for more than one sheet)

While "cuartilla" specifically refers to a quarter sheet, "páginas" refers to full sheets that may not be limited to the quarter size.
