cuarto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

cuarto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cuarto" is primarily a noun in Spanish. It can also function as an adjective.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Fourth (ordinal)
  2. Room, quarter (nouns)
  3. Quarter (in the context of currency or time)

Meaning and Usage

"Cuarto" has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

In terms of usage frequency, "cuarto" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in everyday conversation or writing about locations and divisions.

Example Sentences

  1. Spanish: "El cuarto de mi hermano está desordenado." English: "My brother's room is messy."

  2. Spanish: "El cuarto libro de la serie es mi favorito." English: "The fourth book in the series is my favorite."

  3. Spanish: "Necesito un cuarto de hora para prepararme." English: "I need a quarter of an hour to get ready."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuarto" may not feature heavily in idiomatic expressions, it is still used in several phrases that reflect time allocations and spatial divisions.

  1. "Estar en cuarto y mitad"
    Spanish: "El proyecto está en cuarto y mitad de su desarrollo."
    English: "The project is in the middle of its development."

  2. "A cuarto"
    Spanish: "Le pagaron a cuarto por su trabajo en el evento."
    English: "They paid him a quarter for his work at the event."

  3. "Cuarto de guerra"
    Spanish: "El cuarto de guerra está bien equipado para la estrategia."
    English: "The war room is well-equipped for strategy."

  4. "Cuatro ojos" (referring to someone who wears glasses)
    Spanish: "Siempre se ríen de él por ser cuatro ojos."
    English: "They always laugh at him for being four-eyes."


The word "cuarto" comes from the Latin "quartus," meaning "fourth." This Latin term is related to the root of the word for four, which is "quattuor."

Synonyms and Antonyms

"Cuarto" reflects a multifaceted aspect of language, sharing not only diverse meanings but also cultural significance in various contexts.
