cuartos - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuartos (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "cuartos" in Spanish primarily refers to "rooms," as in various spaces within a building or house. It can also denote "quarters" in a broader sense, often used in military or lodging contexts.

In everyday Spanish, it is commonly used to refer to bedrooms or specific areas within a home or establishment. The word tends to appear more frequently in spoken language but is also prevalent in written contexts, especially in real estate, architecture, and hospitality.

Example Sentences

  1. La casa tiene cinco cuartos y un gran jardín.
    The house has five rooms and a large garden.

  2. Los cuartos del hotel son muy cómodos y espaciosos.
    The hotel rooms are very comfortable and spacious.

  3. En los cuartos de servicio, los empleados pueden descansar.
    In the staff quarters, employees can take a break.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "cuartos" isn’t commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various colloquial phrases or contexts. Here are a few sentences showcasing how it integrates into broader expressions or scenarios:

  1. No tengo un cuarto que me sobre en el hotel.
    I don't have a room to spare in the hotel.

  2. Cada uno en su cuarto, como en el juego de cartas.
    Each in their own room, like in a card game. (Meaning each is focused on their own matters.)

  3. Hacer cuartos es esencial para una buena organización.
    Making rooms is essential for good organization. (Referring to planning and organizing spaces.)


The word "cuarto" comes from the Latin "quartus," meaning "fourth." Originally, it referred to a fourth part of something. Over time, it evolved to denote a room, as rooms are often regarded as divisions of space within a structure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Habitación (room) - Sala (hall, living room) - Oficina (office)

Antonyms: - Pasillo (hallway) - Exterior (outside) - Espacio abierto (open space)
