cuatro - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuatro (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cuatro" functions as a numeral.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Cuatro" is the Spanish word for the number four. It is used to denote the quantity of four items or entities. The frequency of use for "cuatro" is quite high in both oral and written contexts, as it is a basic numeral commonly used in everyday communication, mathematics, and descriptions.

Example Sentences

  1. "Tengo cuatro manzanas."
    "I have four apples."

  2. "El coche tiene cuatro puertas."
    "The car has four doors."

  3. "Llegué cuatro minutos tarde."
    "I arrived four minutes late."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuatro" itself does not form a wide range of idiomatic expressions, it often appears in phrases that pertain to counting or measurements. Below are a few examples where "cuatro" is used in different contexts:

  1. "Tener cuatro ojos."
    "To have four eyes."
    (Used to refer to someone wearing glasses, as if they have 'additional' eyes.)

  2. "A cuatro patas."
    "On all fours."
    (Used to describe someone or something that is crawling or moving on hands and knees.)

  3. "Estar en cuatro."
    "To be down on one’s knees."
    (Can imply a position of submission or humility.)

  4. "Medir cuatro pulgadas."
    "To measure four inches."
    (Common in discussions of length and size.)

  5. "A las cuatro en punto."
    "At four o'clock sharp."
    (Indicates the precise time of 4:00.)


The word "cuatro" originates from the Latin word "quattuor," which also means "four." This numeral has evolved through the centuries while maintaining its foundational meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms


