cuatro gotas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cuatro gotas (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Cuatro gotas" is a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈkwatɾo ˈɡotas/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Cuatro gotas" literally translates to "four drops." In Spanish, this phrase can refer to liquid drops, typically water or another substance, and is often used in both oral and written contexts. The phrase can be applied in various situations, such as cooking, medicine, or everyday descriptions where small quantities are involved. It is a relatively neutral expression that can occur in both formal and informal contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Cuatro gotas de agua son suficientes para mojar el suelo.
  2. Four drops of water are enough to wet the ground.

  3. Añade cuatro gotas de aceite esencial al difusor.

  4. Add four drops of essential oil to the diffuser.

  5. Sólo necesitaba cuatro gotas para completar la receta.

  6. I only needed four drops to complete the recipe.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cuatro gotas" is not prominent in idiomatic expressions on its own, the concept of "drops" can appear in various Spanish idioms or phrases. Here are some examples:

  1. Estar como agua para chocolate; si le añades solo cuatro gotas de agua, se calienta.
  2. To be like water for chocolate; if you add just four drops of water, it heats up.

  3. Con cuatro gotas de sudor, completó la carrera.

  4. With four drops of sweat, he completed the race.

  5. No te preocupes, son solo cuatro gotas en el océano de problemas que enfrentamos.

  6. Don’t worry, it's just four drops in the ocean of problems we face.

  7. No me digas que tienes solo cuatro gotas de café para ofrecerme.

  8. Don’t tell me you only have four drops of coffee to offer me.


The word "cuatro" comes from the Latin "quattuor," and "gotas" is derived from the Latin "gutta," which means a drop of liquid. Both terms have evolved in the Spanish language to describe quantity and liquid measurements.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Poquitas gotas (A few drops) - Algunas gotas (Some drops)

Antonyms: - Un litro (One liter) - Montón (A lot)

This analysis comprehensively covers the phrase "cuatro gotas," with emphasis on its use, meaning, and context within both language and culture.
