cubierto - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubierto (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "cubierto" is a noun and can also function as an adjective in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/cu ˈbjeɾ.to/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "cubierto" typically refers to the act of being covered or it can denote a utensil used during a meal, such as cutlery. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, especially in dining settings. The word can also indicate the number of settings required for a meal, as in "cubiertos para cinco" (cutlery for five).

The frequency of use may vary by region, but it tends to be quite common in everyday language in both formal and casual settings.

Example Sentences

  1. En la mesa hay un cubierto para cada persona.
  2. (On the table, there is one piece of cutlery for each person.)

  3. El plato está cubierto de salsa.

  4. (The plate is covered with sauce.)

  5. Necesito un cubierto adicional para el invitado.

  6. (I need an additional piece of cutlery for the guest.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "cubierto" itself is not frequently featured in idiomatic expressions, it is closely related to other terms, especially in culinary contexts.

Example Idiomatic Sentences

  1. "Tener el cubierto servido" significa estar listo para algo, típicamente se refiere a preparaciones.
  2. ("To have the setting served" means to be ready for something, typically referring to preparations.)

  3. "Cubierto de gloria" se usa para describir a alguien que ha tenido un gran éxito o reconocimiento.

  4. ("Covered in glory" is used to describe someone who has had great success or recognition.)

  5. "Cuando hay cubierto de nieve, todo se ve distinto."

  6. (“When there is a cover of snow, everything looks different.”)


The term "cubierto" comes from the Latin verb "cūbīre," meaning "to cover." This root reflects both the physical act of covering and the notion of utensils as "covered" items designated for use.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, "cubierto" is versatile, with uses ranging from dining terminology to expressions of readiness or success. Its varied meanings and contexts make it an important part of colloquial and formal Spanish.
