cubil - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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cubil (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The word cubil refers to a shelter or refuge, particularly for animals like wild beasts or domestic animals during rest. In a broader sense, it can also refer to a secluded or cozy space for humans. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, but is more likely to appear in written works, especially in literature dealing with wildlife, nature, or folklore.

Example Sentences

  1. El lobo se escondió en su cubil para descansar.
    (The wolf hid in its den to rest.)

  2. Los cazadores encontraron un cubil de zorros cerca del río.
    (The hunters found a lair of foxes near the river.)

  3. A los niños les gusta construir cubiles en el jardín con ramas y hojas.
    (The children like to build huts in the garden with branches and leaves.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The word cubil is less frequently found in idiomatic expressions. However, it can still appear in some colloquial phrases that evoke the idea of shelter or safety.

Example Sentences

  1. Regresar al cubil.
    (Return to the den.)
    This phrase can be used metaphorically to indicate returning to a safe, familiar place.

  2. El cubil de la tranquilidad.
    (The lair of tranquility.)
    This can describe a place where one feels deep peace and comfort, away from the hectic world.

  3. Acomodarse en un cubil.
    (Settle in a den.)
    It can describe the act of getting comfortable in one's home or favorite place.


The term cubil comes from the latín cubile, derivado del verbo cubare, que significa "estar acostado" o "reclinarse". Historically related to resting places, it has evolved to signify various forms of refuge or den.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This structured breakdown provides a comprehensive overview of the word cubil in the Spanish language, its meanings, usage, and associated expressions.
